Copyright & terms
All Images displayed on this web site are the property of AngelEowyn (unless otherwise stated). They are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced, redistributed, transmitted, redisplayed, published, offered for sale, offered for download or broadcast without the prior written permission of AngelEowyn.
Permissions on Textures, Icons & Palettes (Free Resources)
These resources are free to use under the following conditions:
1. You may download material from my Free Resources for your personal, non-commercial use only.
2. You may not claim copyright or ownership, even on your modifications.
2. If you publish your completed projects in any form using my resources, you must give credit, provide a link back to this website, and indicate what changes were made.
3. Your published work should be altered substantially: that means that your work is a photomanipulation or a digital mixed media piece (note that color corrections, hue/saturation, levels, desaturation, removing blemishes or unwanted objects, running a filter over the image,… are NOT considered a photomanipulation or mixed media piece!) or that you use the image as part of a larger project, for example in web design.
4. You may not sell your finished projects from my resources without my permission. Should you wish to use these images for commercial use, please contact me to negotiate a fee.
5. You may not host these resources elsewhere or redistribute them, offering them for download.
6. You may not re-post or re-distribute these resources in any way without appropriate credit or a link back to this website and its corresponding license agreements. If you would like to share with others, please use the facebook share button below or any other kind of sharing app on your browser and redirect them back to
7. By downloading these resources, you are automatically bound by my Terms & Conditions. It is your responsibility to regularly check in and keep up to date with these terms and Licenses.
Please remember: just because you are free to download and use these images does NOT mean that you now own these images. Ownership and Copyright remain always with AngelEowyn.