Pointing a domain from Strato to Siteground – the easy way

There is not much information out there describing how you can point a domain specifically from Strato.de to Siteground. There are several ways you can do this.

You can either use the name servers from Siteground which you then insert into your Strato DNS settings,
or you can update the domain’s A record to point to your hosting account’s IP address.

Both the IP of your website and your SiteGround name servers are visible on the dashboard of your Site Tools. To access Site Tools go to my.siteground.com > site tools (of website you are pointing to). You should land on the dashboard where your IP and Name Servers (NS) are visible. I chose to point my websites using the IP-Address (A-Record). Just copy the IP Address from Siteground into your DNS Settings/A-Record of your Strato account.

In Strato, you can change this in Domains > Domain Management > yourdomain.com – Manage > DNS settings

The only problem with doing this, is that once you point the domain, you can no longer see your original website on Strato. And you cannot work on your new site in Siteground until you have pointed the website. It is a bit of a Catch-22. To get around this, there are 2 things you can do.

Use the “host” file (In this case, Siteground’s) my.siteground.com/support/kb/how_to_use_the_hosts_file.

Put your site in Siteground on Maintenance Mode as soon as it is pointed. Simply download the “Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode & Landing Pages” by SeedProd plugin and put the site on Maintenance mode straightaway. Now you have the freedom to work on the site.

Step-by-Step Guide

Create a new website in Siteground with the intended domain. So, if your Strato site domain is 1234.com, this is the domain you use when creating a new website in Siteground. You can also set up WordPress during this process.

Once the domain in Siteground is complete, access the Site Tools to get the Site IP. Copy this.

Now go to your Strato account and open the DNS Settings to the website you are pointing

Paste in the Site IP address that you copied from Siteground into the A-Record Settings

Return to Siteground. At this point, if you are not migrating your website, you will have an empty wordpress site. Obviously, this is not what you want people to see. The first thing you need to do is install the Coming Soon Page plugin and set your Siteground website onto Maintenance Mode.

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